With the arrival of the winter months, diseases such as flu and cold began to increase. However, when the pandemic is added, those who have heart diseases are in a serious risk group during the winter months. Things to consider in this regard. Sercan Okutucu transferred it to our newspaper.


The winter months have arrived. Giving information on this issue, what should be done or what should not be done in cold weather, Dr. Sercan Okutucu conveyed the following; “Flu may have a more severe course in those with heart failure, cardiovascular disease, heart valve disease, and congenital heart disease.”

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Stating that those with heart and vascular diseases should be more careful in the winter seasons, Okutucu also warned about the recent increase in Covid-19. Lecturer: “In the winter months, the frequency of diseases such as colds and flu increases with the cold weather. This increase is explained by the fact that people spend more time indoors during the winter months and are more open to the transmission of respiratory tract infections. For example, when we go somewhere in cold weather, we prefer to take the bus or subway instead of walking or cycling. When someone coughs or sneezes in this environment, the infection spreads by spreading the droplets carrying live viruses to the environment. These droplets can remain in the air for several hours and transmit the disease to humans. Therefore, people in crowded environments are especially at risk. In addition, virus-containing particles that are transmitted to the hand of the sick person and from there to objects such as door handles, telephones, can lead to the disease when another person comes into contact with them and then takes their hand to their mouth, nose and eyes. Shaking hands, kissing and not maintaining social distance are important ways of transmission. In addition, it is known that the viruses that cause flu and cold can live longer in cold and dry weather and can be contagious. said. In addition, it is known that the viruses that cause flu and cold can live longer in cold and dry weather and can be contagious. said. In addition, it is known that the viruses that cause flu and cold can live longer in cold and dry weather and can be contagious. said.

Dr. Sercan Okucu

Referring to the confusion of flu, cold and Covid-19, Okutucu continued his words as follows; “Influenza, cold and Covid-19 are 3 different diseases that are confused with each other and actually have similar symptoms. A cold is a viral infection that we all get very often. It starts with a runny nose, does not cause high fever. There will usually be some fatigue, weakness and you'll be better in a few days to a week at the most. In the flu, complaints such as headache, feeling of tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny nose and muscle aches are common. Influenza may have a more severe course in those with heart failure, cardiovascular disease, heart valve disease, and congenital heart disease. The disease, which is expected to progress as a simple upper respiratory tract infection, may cause pneumonia and spread to the lungs, and the disease may become aggravated by the addition of secondary diseases to the picture. People with pre-existing heart disease with the flu can trigger new heart attacks. May worsen heart failure under follow-up for heart failure. Drugs that are used randomly due to the flu can sometimes cause blood pressure irregularities, rhythm disorders and very rarely heart attacks with vascular spasm.


Emphasizing that citizens with heart and vascular diseases should take some precautions with the winter season, Okutucu continued his words as follows; “Those with heart and vascular diseases should take precautions against the flu. If we start with general precautions, washing hands frequently, using masks and paying attention to social distance reduce the Corona Virus infection and prevent the flu. Patients who are at risk, that is, those who are expected to have a severe flu disease, should be vaccinated. Those at risk include those over the age of 65, those living in nursing homes and those with chronic diseases, those with lung diseases, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, heart valve diseases, congenital heart disease, kidney failure, AIDS with suppressed immune system, and bone marrow blood production insufficiency, and some There are rheumatological diseases.”

Stating that it is important to get a flu vaccine, Okutucu said; “Influenza vaccines prevent the occurrence of the disease in some of the people to whom they are administered, while in others, the symptoms may be mild. This can be life-saving, especially in people with underlying serious diseases. It is recommended to apply the vaccine every year, as the viruses that cause flu in the community may change every year and the protection of the vaccine may decrease over time. In order for the disease not to progress severely, all patients who are stated to be in the risk group and their relatives and healthcare workers who may carry the virus to them should be vaccinated.


Stating that respiratory diseases can also cause heart and vascular diseases, Okutucu said; “

The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system are closely related to each other. The oxygen that our heart needs is provided by the passage of oxygen from the air we take from our mouth and nose from the lungs to our blood. Depending on the type of disease affecting the respiratory system, different effects may occur on the heart. Example Corona Virus Pneumonia, Influenza, Pneumonia and other respiratory infections can trigger heart attacks and many other heart diseases.”

Stating that clean air and oxygen are also important effects, Okutucu continued his words as follows; “People living in areas with cleaner air have fewer heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases. One of the biggest problems of city life is undoubtedly air pollution. We hear that those who are sick with their lungs rush to the emergency rooms with the complaints of increasing shortness of breath at such times. But when we talk about air pollution, we don't think of heart diseases. However, polluted air can lead to atherosclerosis and cause heart attacks. In addition to gases such as carbon monoxide, small particles that are invisible and suspended in the air also pollute the air. These particles, which differ in size, shape and chemical composition, are the enemies of our heart and lungs. The wood we burn for heating, coal, These particles emitted into the air from the wastes of the industry to the atmosphere and the exhaust of the automobiles are of various sizes. According to different sizes, the effects on our cardiovascular system and lungs are also different. Studies show that air pollution not only worsens existing cardiovascular diseases, but also creates new heart diseases by accelerating the formation and progression of atherosclerosis.

Okutucu also gave information about the burning of dung in rural areas and said that traditional heating methods can also cause heart ailments. Lecturer: “Traditional heating systems used in rural areas can cause problems for cardiovascular diseases. The most important reason for this is its negative effects on the respiratory system. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD), a disease of the respiratory system, is the third most common cause of death after cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The incidence of COPD is much higher in societies with low socioeconomic status. One of the most important causes of COPD is breathing biofuel fumes, which are created by burning organic materials such as bush, dung and charcoal for cooking, baking bread and heating in the countryside.” said.


Stating that it is important to dress appropriately for the season, Okutucu said; “Actually, there is not much scientific data on this. If I have to answer with logic and basic information, wearing the right clothes properly protects us from the cold well. Dressing in layers is not very healthy. Clothing needs to be adjusted according to the temperature. But if we exaggerate this dressing, we create an unnecessarily warm environment. In such a case, it can cause blood pressure imbalances and rhythm disorders.”

Stating that the sports done should be correct as well as wearing the right clothes in the winter season, Okutucu continued his words as follows; “In the winter months, especially with the cold weather, there is an increase in heart attack rates. Cold weather, on the one hand, increases the workload of the heart, and in cold weather, it can cause contraction in the Coronary Vessels that carry blood to the heart. Excessive exercise in cold weather should be avoided. For walking, we should prefer noon hours when the weather starts to warm up. It is better to start the exercise slowly. Because it takes more time in the winter months for our body to reach the right working temperature for exercise. It is important that we breathe through the nose in cold weather so that the air is warmed up until it reaches our lungs. In addition, we should not neglect water consumption. We need to consume 2.2.5 liters of fluid during the day.


It is claimed that a second wave has been entered within the scope of the Corona Virus Outbreak. In addition to this, Okutucu stated that those with cardiovascular and other diseases are in the risk group and said; “The Corona Virus Outbreak continues to affect the whole world. As of today, the number of cases worldwide has approached 50 million and the number of people who lost their lives due to the virus is over 1 million. As the Northern Hemisphere prepares for the winter season, the increasing number of cases and deaths around the world increases the second wave panic in Corona Virus. The increasing number of cases is also a very important issue in terms of heart diseases. Corona Virus infection is more severe and fatal in people with heart disease. In people with heart disease, Corona Virus increases the intravascular inflammation process and formation of intravascular clots, It can cause death in ways such as triggering new heart attacks. In addition, Covid-19 can also cause heart disease in people who do not have a previous heart disease, by triggering diseases called myocarditis, which is an inflammatory process in the heart vessels or an inflammatory process in the heart muscles. That's why we need to keep personal protection methods at the highest level during this period. Wearing a mask, washing hands and paying attention to personal distance is now more important than before.”