The Corona Virus Outbreak has encouraged people to stay at home. Those who lived in their homes for a long time and did not pay attention to what they ate started sports. However, the risk of heart attack and cardiological problems may occur in those who do sports without professional help and physician control. Drawing attention to this situation, Assoc. Dr. Sercan Okutucu drew attention to wrong sports and nutrition.
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Lecturer emphasizing the benefits of the right sport: “The right sport significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and has an important place in the fight against diabetes and obesity. According to the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology in 2020, at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week should be performed in all healthy adults. said.
Emphasizing that the main cardiovascular diseases are wrong nutrition and sports, Okutucu said that the right sports are beneficial. Lecturer: “Sports done correctly significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and has an important place in the fight against diabetes and obesity. According to the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology in 2020, at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week should be performed in all healthy adults. Moderate-intensity exercise means an exercise that will increase your heart rate (calculated with the 220-Age formula) to approximately 55-75 percent. If the person has enough time, it is recommended to increase this minimum 150 minutes to 300 minutes per week. It is recommended to divide the time devoted to sports into 4-5 days a week, preferably to every day of the week. Suggested types of sports are brisk walking, swimming, cycling, and exercises such as jogging.” said.
One of the inconvenient events that are frequently seen in the society and cause health problems is the astroturf matches that are held 1-2 times a month in friend circles. Especially in smokers and overweight people, these loads cause the plaques in the heart vessels to rupture and cause a heart attack. In addition, excessive activity without warming up before doing sports is a condition that tires the heart and increases the risk of heart attack. This situation, which also prepares the ground for rhythm disorders in the heart, can even be fatal; It poses a greater risk, especially for people with a genetic predisposition or some congenital heart diseases. The important thing is not to do heavy sports, but to turn balanced and regular exercise into a lifestyle. Conscious practice of the sport we recommend because it protects heart health;
Noting that some citizens, who have recently avoided going to hospitals due to the epidemic, have determined a diet program by themselves, Okutucu emphasized that this may trigger a heart attack. Reader: “Wrong diet can trigger a heart attack. In fact, we need to think about this in two ways: malnutrition or malnutrition as content. One of the most important mistakes made by those who want to lose excess weight in a short time is shock diets. In these diets, you stay hungry for a long time and the amount of food in the meals is usually very small. In diets made by skipping meals, the metabolism is first affected by this situation. Sudden drops in blood pressure and irregularities in blood sugar occur. Following this situation, extreme weakness, fainting and sometimes more serious problems may occur. The weight that is already lost with shock diets is usually regained very quickly. Sudden weight loss and then rapid weight regain can lead to insulin resistance, which can cause fluctuations in cholesterol and sugar metabolism. It is known that the risk of heart attack increases in the following years in middle-aged individuals who gain 10 percent or more weight in a short time. In addition, diets with a single type of nutrition, which are frequently preferred recently, provide rapid weight loss in the first place. However, when it is done for a long time, it can cause many changes in the body. Consuming only protein-rich foods can negatively affect the cholesterol profile. Frequent consumption of animal foods increases the rate of cholesterol and saturated fat. Although weight loss is experienced with these diets, people's bad cholesterol levels increase, decrease in good cholesterol levels. These can also have a negative impact on cardiovascular health. In addition, long-term fasting, excessively high protein diets and some drugs that reduce appetite can cause rhythm disorders and cause sudden cardiac death. said.
Stating that a doctor should be consulted before starting sports, Okutucu continued his words as follows; “It is very important to get checked by a doctor before starting sports. If you do not have a history of exercise until recently and you have problems such as cholesterol, hypertension, smoking, diabetes, be sure to check with your doctor before starting sports. According to the new recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology published in 2020, there is no harm in doing sports if people who do low and medium intensity amateur sports do not have any complaints. However, it is recommended that people who will do competitive sports or do high-intensity sports should start sports after the doctor's control. An examination, which is often not very time-consuming, will examine the state of your heart health, It will be enough to reveal whether there is a situation that prevents you from doing active sports. In determining the risk during sports, ECG, exercise test and echocardiography are very important apart from the evaluation of examination findings and routine blood biochemistry. Sport is an indispensable necessity for a long and healthy life. Regular check-ups before and after you start doing sports will protect you from many health risks you may encounter.
Stating that especially unhealthy and irregular nutrition can have profound cardiological effects, Okutucu continued his words as follows; “The relationship between eating and drinking culture and cardiovascular diseases is a very important issue. Unhealthy and irregular diet can cause cardiovascular diseases to occur and then progress. Eating a healthy diet is one of the most effective ways to prevent cardiovascular diseases. People should develop a healthy diet and maintain it throughout their lives. There are some basic principles that everyone should follow to protect heart health. To have a healthy heart, we should not exaggerate our portions and gain weight. We need to consume excessive sugar and salt. We should stay away from processed, fried and fatty foods. Greengrocery, We should increase the consumption of olive oil and fish in an amount that will not gain weight. Excessive consumption of sugar and sugary foods causes excessive energy intake. This means an increase in body weight. Being overweight can pose a risk for diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer, especially cardiovascular diseases. Excessive salt consumption leads to high blood pressure, heart and kidney diseases. For this reason, we often warn to reduce salt. One of the issues that we should pay attention to in a healthy diet is fat consumption. Up to 30 percent of the energy to be taken daily should come from fats. The most adopted correct diet in the world is the Mediterranean type of eating habit. Mediterranean type eating habits; It is rich in cereals, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and olive oil. In the Mediterranean type diet, the content of monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, complex carbohydrates is high, and the content of saturated fat, cholesterol and simple carbohydrates is low. Fish, chicken, eggs are recommended once or twice a week. Olive oil should be used in meals. Foods that have a high glycemic index, which cause spikes in blood sugar, contain simple sugars such as pastries, cookies, white bread, and tea sugar, and foods that the body does not actually need should be avoided. Tail fat, skin part of chicken, fatty part of red meat should not be consumed. It should not be forgotten that all cells in the whole body need water; 2-2.5 liters of water should be consumed daily. Eating time should be extended up to 15-20 minutes, food should be chewed thoroughly. Attention should be paid to sleep hours, and less than 6 hours of sleep should be avoided, more than 8 hours a day. Frying,
Referring to the harms of ready-made food, Okutucu said; “The production of ready-made food and fast food is actively expanding. However, these ready-made foods are not very beneficial for health. Although they are delicious, they have negative effects on the cardiovascular system. As a result of excessive consumption of these products, obesity is common and people experience secondary health problems due to excess weight. According to the data of the US National Institute of Health, people who consume ready-to-eat foods consume an average of 500 calories more per day than other people. In addition, ready-made foods contain some fats that can damage the heart vessels. Some prepared foods go through the frying process. Here are the most dangerous products that are fried. The higher the temperature of the oil used during frying, the more it threatens the health. In addition, these foods contain high levels of added fat and sugar. There is a link between consuming foods high in added fat and sugar, and heart diseases and cerebrovascular diseases. It is known that the premature death rate of those who consume 4 servings of processed food every day is 50 percent higher than those who consume 2 servings. In addition, findings from separate teams in France and Spain provide new evidence that processed foods may play a role in a range of diseases, such as cancer and obesity.” It is known that the premature death rate of those who consume 4 servings of processed food every day is 50 percent higher than those who consume 2 servings. In addition, findings from separate teams in France and Spain provide new evidence that processed foods may play a role in a range of diseases, such as cancer and obesity.” It is known that the premature death rate of those who consume 4 servings of processed food every day is 50 percent higher than those who consume 2 servings. In addition, findings from separate teams in France and Spain provide new evidence that processed foods may play a role in a range of diseases, such as cancer and obesity.”
'There is no harm in wearing a mask'
Emphasizing that the respiratory system can directly affect the heart, Okutucu added that wearing a mask is not harmful to the heart. Reader: “The respiratory system and our cardiovascular system are closely related. The oxygen that our heart needs is provided by the passage of oxygen from the air we take from our mouth and nose from the lungs to our blood. Depending on the type of disease affecting the respiratory system, different effects may occur on the heart. For example, coronavirus pneumonia, flu, pneumonia and other respiratory infections can trigger a heart attack and many other heart diseases. Therefore, people with heart disease and the elderly should definitely be vaccinated against influenza and pneumonia. Another important point is the mask issue. As you know, at the beginning of the changes due to the coronavirus pandemic, Every time we go out of our homes, it is necessary to wear a mask. Research has clearly demonstrated the importance of wearing a mask. Wearing a mask reduces all respiratory infections caused by droplets, and wearing a mask does not have any scientifically proven negative effects.” said.
Emphasizing that the habitual eating and drinking culture has an effect on a large part of heart diseases, Okutucu continued his words as follows; “Many of us think that if we eat fat-free, we will be healthier. However, fat is one of the most important parts of a healthy diet. It is suggested that approximately one-third of the total energy we receive in a day comes from fat. However, it is recommended to reduce the amount of trans fat consumed as much as possible. Fat is necessary for many functions in the body. We divide oils into two groups according to their source: animal and vegetable oils. Animal fats contain cholesterol and trans fats. Vegetable-based oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil and margarine do not contain cholesterol and trans fat. As in the same food groups, it is necessary to balance the fats within themselves. When we look at the sources of trans fats, we can see meat, dairy products and butter. Trans fat is not found in any vegetable-derived oil. For this reason, margarines, which are a mixture of olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil and vegetable oils, do not contain trans fat and cholesterol. When we compare the use of olive oil with solid fat, we can see many studies showing that choosing olive oil has more positive effects on heart health. That's why current guidelines recommend olive oil consumption in moderation.” When we compare the use of olive oil with solid fat, we can see many studies showing that choosing olive oil has more positive effects on heart health. That's why current guidelines recommend olive oil consumption in moderation.” When we compare the use of olive oil with solid fat, we can see many studies showing that choosing olive oil has more positive effects on heart health. That's why current guidelines recommend olive oil consumption in moderation.”
Stating that most of the patients who applied to cardiology apply to hospitals due to salt consumption, that is, unhealthy diet, Okutucu said; “Cardiovascular diseases are the primary cause of death in the world. So much so that one out of every four people in the world suffers from cardiovascular diseases. A healthy diet plays an important role in preventing this. Healthy nutrition is a very important concept in terms of heart diseases. When we look at nutrition-related risk factors, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol level come to mind. Food consumption-related problems are very common in patients who apply to cardiology. For example, the prevalence of hypertension is around 30 percent, and we frequently encounter obesity due to excessive salt consumption and excess calories in this group. Only by paying attention to salt and losing weight can blood pressure control be improved. Although the prevalence of diabetes varies between societies, it is around 10 percent, and overnutrition and being overweight are also important risk factors here. Even by limiting carbohydrate intake and losing weight, very positive effects can be observed on blood sugar. Although it varies in different studies, high cholesterol levels are found around 40 percent, and under this, the role of mistakes in the diet is great. As these risk factors come together, they increase the risk profile of the patient and cardiovascular diseases develop.” Even by limiting carbohydrate intake and losing weight, very positive effects can be observed on blood sugar. Although it varies in different studies, high cholesterol levels are found around 40 percent, and under this, the role of mistakes in the diet is great. As these risk factors come together, they increase the risk profile of the patient and cardiovascular diseases develop.” Even by limiting carbohydrate intake and losing weight, very positive effects can be observed on blood sugar. Although it varies in different studies, high cholesterol levels are found around 40 percent, and under this, the role of mistakes in the diet is great. As these risk factors come together, they increase the risk profile of the patient and cardiovascular diseases develop.”